Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Consumer Gratitude

Whoever thought of putting Barnes & Nobles inside Starbuck's? It's genius!!! I absolutely love drinking my soy skim latte while having thousands of books and magazines to browse.  I find it so enjoyable that I usually go back for a second latte. I love to lose myself in books. And I love my soy skim lattes. It's like.......they know me!!!! 

1 comment:

LoquaciousL said...

Boo! A comment!

Alfric told me about this thing, and while it is charming and eccentric beyond my hopes, I must confess a bit of melancholy at the brevity of its run thus far. I had expected more content, dreamed of losing myself in a giant redwood forest of your words, fantasized about burning away the night under the enchantment of your ideas. Be strong and of good hope, and dare to continue your "service to the community," to quote the second post. You are truly an inspiration.

(I thought all the big words would fit in here.)

Devotedly yours,
A Former Uno's Waitress